Introduction to DNSBL Blocklists

DNSBL blocklists, also known as DNS blacklists or DNS-based blackhole lists, are a popular method used to filter out spam and other unwanted emails.

A DNSBL blocklist is a database of IP addresses that have been identified as sources of spam or other malicious activity. These blocklists are used by email providers, internet service providers (ISPs), and other organizations to filter incoming emails and prevent them from being delivered to their recipients.

Purpose and Importance of DNSBL Blocklists

The primary purpose of DNSBL blocklists is to prevent spam and other unwanted emails from being delivered to email recipients. By blocking IP addresses that have been identified as sources of spam or other malicious activity, DNSBL blocklists can help improve email deliverability and protect email recipients from unwanted messages.

DNSBL blocklists are also an important tool for protecting against phishing attacks and other types of email fraud.

By preventing fraudulent emails from being delivered to recipients, DNSBL blocklists can help reduce the risk of financial losses and other types of damage caused by email scams.

How DNSBL Blocklists Work

DNSBL blocklists work by using the DNS system to query a database of IP addresses that have been identified as sources of spam or other malicious activity.

When an email provider or other organization receives an email, it checks the IP address of the sender against one or more DNSBL blocklists.

If the IP address is found on one of the blocklists, the email is typically blocked or marked as spam and prevented from being delivered to its recipient.

Types of DNSBL Blocklists

There are several different types of DNSBL blocklists, including public blocklists, private blocklists, and internal blocklists.

Public DNSBL Blocklists

Public DNSBL blocklists are open to the public and can be accessed by anyone who wants to check if a specific IP address is on the list. Some of the most popular public DNSBL blocklists include Spamhaus, SURBL, Barracuda, and SpamCop.

Private DNSBL Blocklists

Private DNSBL blocklists are maintained by individual organizations or groups of organizations and are not available to the public. These blocklists are typically used by organizations that want to have more control over their email filtering and do not want to rely solely on public blocklists.

Internal DNSBL Blocklists

Internal DNSBL blocklists are used by organizations to filter incoming emails within their own network. These blocklists are not shared with other organizations or made available to the public.

Popular DNSBL Blocklists

Spamhaus Blocklist

The Spamhaus Blocklist is one of the most popular and widely used DNSBL blocklists. It is maintained by Spamhaus, a non-profit organization that specializes in tracking and blocking spam and other types of email abuse.

The Spamhaus Blocklist is used by many email providers and ISPs to filter out spam and other unwanted emails.

SURBL Blocklist

The SURBL Blocklist is a DNSBL blocklist that is specifically designed to detect and block phishing emails and other types of email fraud.

It is maintained by the Spam URI Real-time Blocklist (SURBL) organization and is used by many email providers and ISPs to prevent phishing attacks.

Barracuda Blocklist

The Barracuda Blocklist is a DNSBL blocklist that is used by many organizations to filter out spam and other unwanted emails.

It is maintained by Barracuda Networks, a cybersecurity company that specializes in email security and spam filtering.

SpamCop Blocklist

The SpamCop Blocklist is a DNSBL blocklist that is maintained by Cisco, a leading provider of network security solutions.

It is used by many email providers and ISPs to filter out spam and other unwanted emails.

Invaluement Blocklist

Invaluement is another DNSBL blocklist that is commonly used to prevent email spam. It is a private blacklist that is operated by Invaluement LLC.

Invaluement uses a combination of manual review and automated analysis to identify and list IP addresses of known spammers.

To check if an IP address is listed on the Invaluement blacklist, you can use the following DNS query:

dig +short

If the query returns an IP address, it means that the IP is listed on the Invaluement blacklist.

To prevent your IP address from being listed on the Invaluement blacklist, you should ensure that you follow best practices for email marketing and avoid sending spam.

In addition, you can use email validation and verification tools to ensure that your email list only contains valid and engaged subscribers.

How to Check if Your IP Address is on a DNSBL Blocklist

If your IP address is on a DNSBL blocklist is a relatively simple process. Most DNSBL blocklists have a public website where you can perform a manual lookup of your IP address.

To check if your IP address is on a DNSBL blocklist, follow these steps:

  1. Determine which DNSBL blocklists you want to check. As mentioned earlier, there are many DNSBL blocklists available, each with its own set of criteria for listing IP addresses. It is recommended that you check multiple blocklists to ensure that your IP address is not listed on any of them.

  2. Obtain your IP address. You can obtain your IP address by visiting a website that displays your public IP address, such as

  3. Perform a manual lookup on the DNSBL blocklist’s website. Most DNSBL blocklists have a search function on their website that allows you to enter your IP address and check if it is listed. Simply enter your IP address in the search bar and click “Search” or “Lookup”.

  4. Check the results. If your IP address is listed on the DNSBL blocklist, the website will display a message indicating that your IP is blocked or listed.

Some blocklists may also provide additional information, such as the reason why your IP was listed and instructions for delisting your IP address.

In addition to manual lookups, you can also use automated tools to check if your IP address is on a DNSBL blocklist. Some email service providers, such as NetcoreCloud, Mailchimp and Sendinblue, offer built-in tools for checking if your IP address is on a blocklist.

There are also third-party tools, such as MX Toolbox and, that allow you to check if your IP address is on multiple blocklists at once.

Best Practices for Avoiding DNSBL Blocklists

Being listed on a DNSBL blocklist can negatively impact your email deliverability and reputation, which is why it is important to take steps to avoid being listed in the first place.

Here are some best practices for avoiding DNSBL blocklists:

Practice good email hygiene

One of the main reasons why IP addresses are listed on DNSBL blocklists is because they are sending spam or unsolicited emails. To avoid being listed, make sure that you only send emails to subscribers who have opted-in to receive them, regularly clean your email list to remove inactive or invalid email addresses, and honor unsubscribe requests.

Use a reputable email service provider

Using a reputable email service provider can help ensure that your emails are delivered to your subscribers’ inboxes and not marked as spam. Most email service providers have measures in place to prevent spam and monitor their IP addresses to ensure that they are not listed on DNSBL blocklists.

Authenticate your emails

Email authentication methods such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC can help prevent your emails from being spoofed or forged, which can prevent them from being marked as spam and listed on DNSBL blocklists.

Monitor your email reputation

Regularly monitoring your email reputation and metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates can help you identify potential issues before they lead to a DNSBL listing. Many email service providers offer tools and dashboards for monitoring your email reputation.

Respond promptly to complaints

If a subscriber marks one of your emails as spam, it is important to promptly investigate the complaint and take appropriate action, such as removing the subscriber from your email list or improving your email content.

By following these best practices, you can help prevent your IP address from being listed on a DNSBL blocklist and ensure that your emails are delivered to your subscribers’ inboxes.


DNSBL blocklists are an important tool for preventing spam and protecting email users from unwanted or malicious emails. However, being listed on a DNSBL blocklist can have serious consequences for legitimate senders, including reduced deliverability and damage to their email reputation.

By following best practices for email hygiene, using reputable email service providers, authenticating emails, monitoring email reputation, and responding promptly to complaints, senders can reduce the risk of being listed on a DNSBL blocklist and ensure that their emails are delivered to their subscribers’ inboxes.

By taking these steps, senders can help protect their email reputation and ensure the effectiveness of their email marketing campaigns.

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